of Dr. Shahidul Islam Khan
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Shahidul Islam Khan, Ph.D.
Professor, Dept. of EEE
BUET, Dhaka-1000
Tel.(R): +880 2 862 4444, Cell: +88 01819 245 110 |
Language Proficiency: Bengali (mother tongue), English (official
language), German (good), Bahasa Melau (little).
Research Interest:
Solar PV, Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Power Electronics and
Motor Drives.
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, 1986
Department of Electrical Engineering
Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
Dissertation: Analysis and Design of Forced Commutated
Cycloconverters for Three and Single Phase Applications.
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, 1979
Department of Electrical Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
Thesis: Study of Effect of Lightning Surges on A Power System by
Digital Computer.
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, 1974
Department of Electrical Engineering, BUET
Thesis/project: The Design and Construction of a Transistorized
Click for
Teaching: Teaching in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
BUET since April 1981. Research Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, AUST, March-December, 2011. Visiting Faculty, Energy Conversion (ENCON) Department, Faculty of
Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor
Bahru, Malaysia, February 1996 to March 1999.
Courses Taught: EEE 433: Power Station EEE 443: High Voltage Engineering Electrical Machines
Power Electronics and Motor Drives EEE 6301: Power Semiconductor Circuits
EEE 6302: Design of Power Electronic Circuits and Drives EEE 6909: Energy Conversion
Course Development: EEE 6301: Power Semiconductor Circuits (Graduate Course). EEE 6302: Design of Power Electronic Circuits (Graduate Course).
Supervision of Master's Theses:
Design and Economic Analysis of Solar Photovoltaic System for Urban Areas of Bangladesh
by S. M. Moynul Haque, November 2012.
Design of an Efficient Photovoltaic Pump for Irrigation by Md.
Mizanur R. Sarkar, March 2011 (Co-supervised by Prof. Kamrul Islam, Dept. of Mechanical
Engineering, BUET).
Energy Generation and Demand Forecasting of Bangladesh by
Econometric Modeling, by Mohammed Shakhawatul Islam, May 2010.
Design and Analysis of a Mini Grid PV System for Off-grid Rural
Areas of Bangladesh, by Md. Abul Kashem, May 2007.
An Integrated Energy Forecasting Model, by Md. Mahbubur Rahman, May
Analysis and Design of an Inverter, by Dilip Kumar Paul, December
Study of a Balanced Output Three Phase Converter for an Unbalanced
System, by Sadiqur Rahman Khan, October 1992.
A Generalized Switching Model for Analysis of Static Converters, by
Md. Lutfor Rahman, April 1990.
Analysis and Design of A Balanced Output Static Converter, by Md.
Shafiqul Islam, June 1989.
Supervision of
Undergraduate Projects: Supervised over 60 projects and theses of final year undergraduate
One of the reviewers of the book entitled
"Power Electronics:
Circuits, Devices and Applications" by Muhammad H. Rashid, Prentice
Hall, NJ, USA, 1988, 1993, 2004 (3rd edition). The book is
translated in many languages.
Solar Home System, a book on Solar PV in rural areas in Bengali. The
Chapter (one of six) on Charge Controller is written by me. The book
is published in March 2013 by German Technical Assistance
(GIZ), Dhaka.
"Committee Prize Paper Award" of the Static Converter Committee
of the Industry Applications Society, IEEE IAS Annual Meeting, 1984.
"Best Paper Award" published in the Journal of the Institution of
Engineers, Bangladesh for the year 1981.
" UGC Prize" of University Grants Commission (UGC), Bangladesh
for the year 1980.
in Professional Societies: Senior Member, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Inc. (IEEE), N.Y., USA. Fellow, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh
Fellow, Bangladesh Computer Society Member, Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) Life Member, Bangladesh Solar Energy Society
Member, Energy Research Group, UTM Member, Environment Study Group, UTM
Academic/Administrative Director, Centre for Energy Studies, BUET, July 2005-February 2009. Dean, Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, BUET, August
2001-August 2003. Head, Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, BUET,
August 1999- August 2001. Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, BUET,
since September, 1995. Visiting Professor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti
Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 4-16, 1994. Post Doctoral Fellow, Department of Electrical Engineering,
Concordia University, Montreal Canada, November 1986 -March 1987. Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of Electrical
Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada (on study leave from BUET), January 1983 - November
Industrial: Assistant Engineer, System Planning Directorate, Bangladesh Power
Development Board (BPDB), Dhaka, Bangladesh, February 1977 -April 1981. Trainee, American Metalcraft Corporation (AMC), Hamburg, Germany,
April 1975 - August 1976.
Speaker/Resource Person in workshop/short course:
International Short Course on Solar Photovoltaic System, BUET,
Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2-6 October 2010.
A lecture on "Success of Solar Home System in Bangladesh", to
Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept., University of
Connecticut, USA on 7 December 2009.
Workshop on "Barriers, Drivers and Unused Potential Related to
Sustainable Energy Systems", 29 Nov.-3 Dec., 2009, Jamaica,
organized by University of Flensburg, Germany.
Regional Workshop on "Energy Efficient Lighting", April 27-30,
2009, Colombo, Sri Lanka organized by SARI/Energy, USAID.
A lecture on "Success of Grameen Shakti" in a seminar on rural
electrification by solar energy at University of Applied Sciences,
Ulm, Germany, June 2008.
"Solar Solutions for Energy Wise Communities in Asia", lecturer
series for this web based e-learning course on Renewable Energy,
June -July, 2007 (http //, now
closed) supported by UNESCO.
"Applied Energy Saving Technologies for Industrial, Commercial
and Residential Sectors", November 25-27, 2004 and April 28-May 1,
2005, a short course, Centre for Energy Studies, BUET.
"National Training Workshop on Renewable Energy Education in
Bangladesh", August 3-8, 2003, Centre for Energy Studies, BUET.
International training program on "Practical Training for Energy
Managers from Industry", January 28-30, 2002, Centre for Energy
Studies, BUET
High-level Workshop on "Power Sector Reform and Privatization",
15-17 May 2000, Bangalore, India. Organized by Tata Energy Research
Institute (TERI), New Delhi, India under South Asia Forum for
Infrastructural Regulation (SAFIR).
Core Training Course on "Infrastructure Regulation and Reform",
7-18 February 2000, Agra, India. Organized by TERI under SAFIR.
A workshop on "Energy Efficient Technologies" in 1998 in Kuala
Lumpur. The workshop was financed and organized by Japanese grant.
Workshop on "Electric Power Quality Control", July 12-13, 1994,
organized by Power Electronics Research Group, Faculty of Electrical
Engineering, UTM, Kuala Lumpur.
"Microcomputer Operation and Maintenance", Sept. 19-25, 1994,
Dhaka, Bangladesh organized by Electrical Engineering Division, the
Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh.
Chairman, Member and Session Chair in Conferences:
Member, Scientific Committee, 3rd Symposium on Small
PV-Applications, June 17- 18, 2013, Ulm, Germany.
Co-Chairman, 2nd Symposium on Small PV-Applications, June 6-7,
2011, Ulm, Germany.
Member, Scientific Committee, Symposium on Small PV-Applications,
May 25-26, 2009, Ulm, Germany.
Chairman, International Conference on Electrical & Computer
Engineering (ICECE2001), Sonargaon Pan Pacific Hotel, Dhaka, January
5-6, 2001.
Member, Organizing Committee, International Seminar on "Advances
in Alternative/Renewable Energy", Energy Group, Research and
Development Unit, Johor Bharu, Universiti Technologi Malaysia, July
22-24, 1997.
Member, International Advisory Committee and Session Chair of
Session SE3A, International Conference on "Electricity Sector
Development and Demand Side Management" (ESDDSM'95), Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia, November 21-22, 1995.
Chairman, First IEEE National Conference on Electrotechnology (ET
'95), Sept. 20, 1995, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Session Chairman of Demand Side Management Session at the
"International Symposium on Electricity Distribution and Energy
Management" (ISEDESM'93), Singapore, October 27-29, 1993.
Editor and Reviewer of Journals:
Member, Editorial Board, IEEE Access, on-line mega journal of
IEEE, 2013-2014.
Editor, Journal of Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering
Division, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB), January 2009 -
December 2010.
Editor in-chief, Journal of Energy & Environment, Centre for
Energy Studies (CES), BUET, July 2006 - February 2009.
Editor, Electricity from Renewable Energy, Journal of Energy &
Environment, CES, BUET, July 2005-Feb 2007.
Reviewer, "Jurnal Elektrika", Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 1996-1999.
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of the Institution of Engineers,
Bangladesh, Electrical Engineering Division, 1995.
Professional Organization:
Chair, Power and Energy Society, IEEE Bangladesh Section,
Vice Chair, Bangladesh Solar Energy Society, 2010-2011,
Chapter Representative, R10 -West, Power and Energy Society,
IEEE, 2009- 2010.
Founder Chairman, Chairman IEEE Bangladesh Section, 1993-1995,
2000-2002, 2005- 2006.
Consultancy and project:
IEEE-PES Community Solutions Initiative (CSI) Student Project,
Team Leader, EEE Dept., BUET, Jan-Sept 2013.
Bangladesh Industrial Energy Efficiency Opportunities Assessment,
a consultation work supported by USAID, 2012.
Convener, Editorial Sub-Committee XII, Building Services (Lighting, Electrical Installation and Computer Networking), Bangladesh National Building Code 2010.
Barrier Removal to the Cost effective development and
implementation of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labeling (BRESL)
2010-2014, UNDP funded Project, National Lighting Expert.
Erasmus Mundus, EU funded student project, Lot 11, Lead University: Vrije University, Brussels, Belgium, 2009-2011.
"Productivity Improvement in Industry through Energy Efficiency
Programs", Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ
now GIZ), Dhaka, May 2006.
"e-Health & Learning" project under Asia-IT&C Program, 2002-2003,
EU funded. Partners BUET, University of Birmingham, UK and
University Sacra Cuoro, Piecenza, Italy (Budget Line B7-3010).
"Design and Analysis of Demand Side Management and the Evaluation
of Their Benefits to Malaysia", 1997-1999, UTM, Malaysia.
Solar car project UTM, Malaysia. The car competed in World Solar
Challenge (car race), Australia, Oct. 27-Nov. 5, 1996.
"Development of Commercially Competitive Proton Exchange Membrane
Fuel Cell", 1996-1999, UTM, Malysia.
A survey on "Present and Future Prospect of Electronic
Industries in Bangladesh", conducted by Planning Commission,
Government of Bangladesh, 1989. Partners BUET and Dhaka University.
Many consultancy projects like Bangladesh Bank (Head Office)
20.6 kW Solar System, checking of 2 MW diesel set at AUST campus,
testing of transformers, circuit breakers, charge controllers,
battery, etc. through EEE Dept., BRTC.
to the University:
EEE Department-
Secretary, Board of Post Graduate Studies, Electrical and
Electronic Engineering Department, BUET, Dhaka, 1989-1994.
Member, Academic Council, BUET, February 1989 till to-date.
Member (Electrical), Tender Evaluation Committee, BUET,
Assistant Provost, Dr. M. A. Rashid Student Hall, BUET,
Engineering College-
External Member, Board of Studies, Electrical and Electronic
Engineering Department, Bangladesh Institute of Technology (BIT),
Khulna, 1989-1991, 1993-1995.
External Member, Board of Undergraduate Studies, Electrical and
Electronic Engineering Department, Bangladesh Institute of
Technology (BIT), Rajshahi, 1995-1996.
Recent TV and Radio Program:
Participated in Talk Show "Aloai Bhuban Bhora" (Light, all over
light), on "Electricity Problem and Solutions" at 11:30 -12:00 PM on
13 June 2012, in Channel I TV.
Participated in Talk Show "Soja Khatha" (Plain Talk), on
"Electricity Crisis" at 11:45 PM (7 Apr.) -12:30 AM on 8 April 2010,
Participated in Talk Show on "Electricity Crisis" at 01:30 -02:00
AM on 4 April 2010, in ATN Bangla TV.
Participated in Talk Show "Soja Khatha" (Plain Talk), on "Solar
Energy" at 11:45 PM -12:30 AM on 12 May 2009, in DESH TV.
Participated in Talk Show "Anna Nayan" (From Different Angle), on
"Energy Crisis in Bangladesh" at 11:25 PM on 9 March 2009, in Bangla
Vision TV.
Participated in Talk Show "Sadesh-O-Sambhabana" (Homeland and Its
Future), on "Electricity Savings and Prospect of Electronic
Industries" on 22 May 2008, in Bangladesh Television (National TV).
Short interview on "Prospect of Solar Energy in Bangladesh",
broadcasted on 1 April 2010, BBC London, Bengali Service.
Wife: Anisa Ahmad, M.Sc. (Biochemistry, DU), M. Sc. Engg.
(Bioprocess), UTM, Malaysia. Son: Asif Islam Khan, Ph.D. student, University of California,
Berkeley, USA. Daughter: Fahrin Islam, B.Sc. Engg. student (CE), BUET |